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07/26/17 12:36 PM


"I did find some sites..."

On all of this I too agree.

It's not out of the question that the company might get bought out by a larger competitor. That would be a good business consideration on the part of the buyer and would relieve DTII of all obligations outside of the sale profits.

I too am concerned about sales.
I've been in sales for 30 years and as such feel relatively confident that I know how it works and what will and won't work.
They "apparently" have a product that "apparently" does what it's alluded to do but assuming they can mass produce it (see the Swedes), can they muster up an effective sales division to sell it? And who will lead that arm?
That's still unclear but tremendously important.
Failure to direct attention to that could mean disaster but it could also mean that they never intended to "produce the product" intending instead to develop it and then sell the entire business off.

I'm not using this as a "get rich" investment.
I'm looking at DTII as a hedge against other, more stupid decision losses. I capped my investment at what I can honestly afford to throw away at least until I know more about the validity of the scanner and BPV.
I'm positioned to make a good profit if they go up even if I don't reinvest but I'm not gonna loose sleep if they dump or stay low for the next 200 years either.

Far as I'm concerned, my next "buy consideration" phase will be when more significant info is available on the scanner or BPV production.