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07/24/17 8:43 PM

#212614 RE: poorgradstudent #212612's very much apples and oranges, given the preponderance of data validating the activity of pembro as a drug.

Absolutely right! That's the point that seemed to get lost in today's maze of tweets on this topic.

You may be right about AF's motive, although I would not have considered such a connection if you hadn't brought it up. I was thinking the motive was more pedestrian: increasing the number of eyeballs reading AF’s stuff on Stat. My hunch is that the paid membership on that venue is not what the business people expected.


07/24/17 9:01 PM

#212616 RE: poorgradstudent #212612

I agree that that's what he's doing. I use biotech journalist for reporting the news, but their opinions on data are pretty worthless imho


07/25/17 6:59 AM

#212622 RE: poorgradstudent #212612

Since SRPT was controversially approved based on a surrogate outcome, there is a chance that the post-market trials the company is obligated to run end up failing. In the case of this MRK news, AF may be making a list of people / goading people into arguing

Congrats! Nailed it. BTW there is an interesting psych theory that people can be usefully characterized by where they fall along a spectrum from empathizer to systemizer. Safe to say AF falls far towards the former - and almost certainly more than a little disingenuous in that cause.