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07/24/17 11:54 AM

#111470 RE: chado #111469

Yes the body of evidence for 10 years will show an American company being exiled abroad with the FDA who instead of trying to understand a revolutionary safe product chose to place a giant yoke around its neck and tell them to get lost.The 10 year body of evidence will also disclose how the state of Maryland gave that"American: company $10,000 to help sell its wares in a foreign land. Yep they said sell your chit abroad not here. That 10 year body of evidence will also show how that little American company that was presumed to be DOA traveled with the giant "yoke" through 50 countries across Europe gaining OTC was able to survive on a shoestring with "little, to no advertising". That 10 year body of evidence will show how year after year the FDA pushed them to the back on the line, while the American public would grow increasingly aware of the thousands of lives that were lost as a result of pain and people killing drug usage, while a safe alternate for pain and healing, oh yes healing, sat on the FDA's desk,being ignored. That 10 year body of evidence will also reveal how this little American company is now on the cusp of a break through entry into the richest Market in the World in Health, Wellness and Fitness without the "YOKE" around its neck. That 10 year body of evidence will show how this new Market responded to this company BIEL's products upon a 10 minute segment on National TV several years ago before the current DRUG EPIDEMIC.Yes the body of evidence will show it produced thousands f online sales in one day, without it being on the shelves of your local store. So my gut and experience in global sales tell me to multiply that response when the BIEL products hit the shelves. That 10 year body of evidence and understanding what really happened and why, makes my gut feel confident of the success of this company, who with one product for multiple ailments entry into two separate Multi Million Dollar Market's, has the brightest of all futures imaginable. the 10 year body of evidence shows story of David and Goliath, nd we know David won and became King. Just my humble opinion after my study of the 10 year body of evidence and the products.Do your own DD, make your ow decision. My post for the day, have a great day all.