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07/23/17 9:09 AM

#39802 RE: plutoniumimplosion #39801

Berman, Cowan, merger.
Cowan, merger, Berman.
Merger, Berman, Cowan.

One could call it "Pick an excuse" or "Pin the tail on something, ANYTHING".

Happens at every company that isn't managing to succeed with its operating strategy that has a CEO who would rather not be seen to be responsible for that lack of know that.

Here's one that I liked a lot:
"TAUG was removed from OTCQB because SEC compliance chief found audit unlawful and would not grant TAUG an exemption"
Here we see OTCMarkets AND the SEC both getting a little dust kicked in their faces in a single sentence for an exemption that TAUG wasn't granted that no company in the history of public companies has ever been granted. Poor little picked on TAUG. Frankly I don't understand why they didn't sue OTCMarkets for that failure. Clearly the company was damaged by that decision.

Everything is someone or something else's fault. Or, as you noted "lack of resources, lack of a product, lack of a management team, lack of an office or phone number, and an endless lawsuit that has forced TAUG to take death spiral money are TAUG's problems". Blaming Cowan, Berman and the endless string of mysterious and/or failed mergers with sundry notorious partners is a no-brainer.
But none of it is Seth Shaw's fault, really. He's been great.


07/23/17 1:05 PM

#39805 RE: plutoniumimplosion #39801

this whole deal wreaks of a suspension and some major problems for those involved. concocted, mickey mouse, cockamamie lawsuit which is so laughable .


07/24/17 8:18 AM

#39813 RE: plutoniumimplosion #39801

Scumbag Berman didn't have anything to do with what Cowan did. But he tried to steal TAUG and seems to continue to interject himself in TAUG's affairs like a scorned lover...or bride left at the alter.