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09/14/06 11:13 AM

#17354 RE: an old investor #17352

<<so far I have bought and sold this stock 3 times for a profit of close to $29,000 >>
Your problem with the board, as I understand it (I am relatively new here) – you start posting “negative warnings” (like yesterday and today) while looking for entry yourself. The board suspects that you’re about to buy 4th time now. Are you? It’s none of my business though (Brent would say: “You will explain this to the Lord later.”) :)


09/14/06 11:16 AM

#17355 RE: an old investor #17352

Old investor said
"If NDOL delists prior to their admission to AIM, would they not be disappearing? What obligations will they have to keep you informed about anything?"

They do not and might not be heard from for a while now. Other than the name change, it might be very quiet until the get listed on the AIM, if at all. So patience will be the key. You need not invest in this company if you don't believe in them. That is a dumb move. Put your money into stocks you trust. I can go months now without news, because I know in due time that this stock will be on the AIM and some profit will be waiting for me.

Do you have what it takes to wait this out?


09/14/06 11:21 AM

#17356 RE: an old investor #17352

"What obligations will they have to keep you informed about anything?"

They have never had any obligations as a Pinkie, yet they still provided us with info and filed forms with the SEC. Now that they filed the Form 15, they have formally declared that they are going to concentrate on the AIM listing and not worry about filing in the US anymore.

That's my take, at least, and I don't see it as bad news. Far from "going dark" IMO.