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07/16/17 9:56 AM

#12226 RE: BullNBear52 #12224

The connection is between Seth Rich and Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. is Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the disgraced formed DNC director.

A month has passed and the Miami police still have no clue why this 37 yr. old father of three children was murdered. He had only joined the the U.S. Attorney's Office in January and was investigating VISA and Passport fraud cases.

A year has passed and the murder of Seth Rich remains unsolved, the result of lying cops and extremely poor police work.
Exp. The cops failed to procure videos from dozens of security cameras along Seth's route home.
D.C. has a program that encourages people to install these cameras by offering rebates of up to $500 and are registered. Cameras would have recorded anyone following Seth or someone leaving the crime scene, even a block away.

When cops arrived, Seth was awake and talking. Three of the cops wore body cams but the cops say they can't find the films!
The video from Lou’s City Bar, the last place Seth was seen alive was never viewed nor were any employees or patrons questioned. Did someone follow Seth when he left Lou's?

Seth Rich was shot twice in the back.
He sustained a “small injury” to his liver and “several small bowel injuries” — none of which was fatal.
He was taken to the operating room, where his injuries were treated.
He was then moved to ICU (Intensive Care Unit) where he received blood transfusion. He was stable, his blood pressure normal.
8 hours after Rich arrived at the hospital, the place “swarmed” with law enforcement officers. Everyone, except the attending physician and a few nurses, was kicked out of the ICU. There were no visiting hours, which is abnormal for ICU.
That morning, Anonymous and the other doctors were instructed not to make rounds (visits) on “the VIP that came in last night” (Seth Rich).
When Rich died, no one other than the attending physician was allowed to see him. There was no code alert or call for a cardiopulmonary resuscitation team. Although Anonymous was with a patient in the next room, he/she was blocked from attending to Rich.
At the time, Anonymous couldn’t understand why the patient Rich was treated that way and thought the whole thing to be “fishy”. Later, when he found out that the patient was Seth Rich, Anonymous “was terrified”.

The Metropolitan PD was instructed by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser to stop the investigation. Muriel is a CLOSE FRIEND and supporter of Hillary Clinton!

Hillary with Mayor Muriel Bowser, D.C. Councilmember Jack Evans and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton.

Kim Dotcom claims he was in contact with Seth Rich and that Seth sent the DNC emails to his server in New Zealand.

On July 22, just 12 days after Rich’s death WikiLeaks released 20,000 emails from DNC officials.

Washington, D.C. lobbyist and attorney Jack Burkman has filed a lawsuit to force the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) to release information regarding the murder of (DNC) staffer Seth Rich.

Heather Podesta, John Podesta's ex-sister-in-law serves on the Board of the Washington D.C. Police Dept. with Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy Lanier, who served as police chief when DNC staffer Seth Rich was murdered. Lanier resigned as police chief the next month.

Question: The DC police claim this was a simple robbery although nothing was taken. After Seth's death, the cops went to his apartment and seized his laptop computer. Why would they take his personal property and then claim they turned it over to the FBI who later claimed they don't have it. Where is this important piece of evidence?
Did it show email communications between Seth Rich and Wikileaks??

An anonymous federal source had confirmed 44,053 DNC emails and 17,761 attachments had been transferred from Rich to reporter Gavin MacFadyen, who worked with Wikileaks. Gavin MacFadyen is now deceased.

What a small world D.C. is, full of corruption, as bad as Chicago!

Back to Debbie Wasserman Schultz whose brother is Steven Wasserman, Asst. US Attorney at the District of Columbia. He is suspected of stalling the investigation of Seth's murder.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) demanded that Capitol Police Chief Matthew Verderosa return equipment belonging to her office that was seized as part of the investigation — or face “consequences.”

This is clearly an obstruction of justice! What is on that laptop that Debbie was so determined to recover??

Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. down in Florida was investigating VISA fraud. How did the Awan brothers get their VISAS? Whisenant’s body was recovered in Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s district. Had Beranton discovered VISA fraud involving the Awan brothers?

Whisenant’s murder took place one month following a Federal court hearing of oral arguments presented by the Democrats in support of the Motion to Dismiss a class-action lawsuit filed against the Party and Wasserman Schultz originally filed on June 28, 2016.

Wasserman Schultz hired the Awans in 2005 in Florida! They are natives of Pakistan.

in 2005, and his wife, his brother’s wife, and two of his brothers all appeared on payrolls of various House Democrats soon after, according to payroll records.

Based on visa requirements for professional positions, all foreign nationals would need to possess the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in information technology or similar and be employed in a related professional-level position to qualify for an appropriate work visa.

Given the limited availability of visa options and the complexity of the payment arrangements, it is highly unlikely that each each and every suspect not only qualified for work authorization, but also secured it, in order to be properly employed in the United States for the entire duration of their employment.
U.S. employers are required to verify the employment eligibility of everyone they hire, so the consequences would fall on the employer, not the employee, if the Awan relatives were employed without proper visa clearance.

Similar visa abuse related to these types of work visas has been subject to renewed scrutiny under the Trump administration, which could to some extent comprise fraud investigations Whisenant may have been conducting.

While Whisenant could have been investigating a multitude of issues related to visa or passport fraud based out of Miami, Florida, the timing and location of his murder raise questions as to whether or not Whisenant was investigating issues related to Wasserman Schultz’ employment of the Awan brothers.

The Awan brothers moved from Florida to Washington D.C. where Debbie arranged the IT techs to work on members of Congress computer systems.

Payroll records show that soon after Wasserman Shultz hired Imran, other House Democrats hired him, his wife, his two brothers Abid and Jamal, and his brother’s wife, Natalia Sova, as IT workers.


The criminal investigation began in late 2016, with the brothers under suspicion of secretly accessing the lawmakers computer networks, storing information on secret servers, and stealing equipment from Congress.

The IT techs were employed by three members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, which store sensitive national security documents, including material related to terrorism, on their own committee servers.

Public records show Imran was paid $165,000 a year; Abid made $161,000; Jamal, Hina Alvi and Natalia Sova earned $160,000 each.

Those salaries are comparable to what top House aides such as chiefs of staff earn, not IT workers. Why these computer technicians made such exorbitant salaries has never been explained by their Democratic employers.

In fact, $160,000 a year is three times the average House IT staff salary, according to InsideGov, which lists the median salary for legislative assistants as $43,000 annually.

Since they began working for the government, the family members have made $5 million overall, according to

House staffers told the Daily Caller that Imran (and, recently, Jamal) did the bulk of the work and the others were rarely seen on Capitol Hill.

In early February, the Awan brothers and two of their wives who managed information technology, or IT, for some 80 Democratic lawmakers were relieved of their duties and barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives.

Most Democrats apparently fired the four after the investigation was announced in February.

Wasserman Shultz refused to fire Imran, and she gave him a new title of “adviser” to get around his ban from the House computer network imposed by Capitol Police since Feb. 2.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-NY, who is also reported to be friends with Imran and his wife, has also refused to fire Imran.

Meeks blamed the investigation on Islamophobia and said “their background as Muslim Americans, some with ties to Pakistan, could make them easy targets for false charges.”


In the court documents, Galani said Imran portrays himself abroad as a powerful person in Congress and travels with a VIP police escort in Pakistan, because of what he describes as his political power in the U.S.

In May, Imran’s wife, Hina, who may be a criminal suspect in the House hacking investigation, fled to Pakistan where she reportedly has “significant assets and VIP-level protection.”

Despite Meeks’ suggestion that the Awans are being investigated because of Islamophobia, it’s not their first brush with the law.

Abid was convicted of drunken driving one month before he started his job at the House. He was arrested for public intoxication a month after his first day.

His record also includes driving with a suspended or revoked license.

Imran has also been convicted of criminal misdemeanors, using an illegal radar detector and driving an unregistered vehicle.

While earning $161,000 a year since 2005 for a House job where he was rarely seen, Abid appeared to spend most of his time running a car dealership that went bankrupt.

Awans’ dealership was unable to repay a $100,000 loan to an Iraqi businessman, Dr. Ali Al-Attar, who has ties to the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, and fled to the Mideast to avoid prosecution for tax fraud in the U.S.

Abid listed $1 million in liabilities in his 2012 bankruptcy.

He managed to keep ownership of two houses by telling the court that he and his estranged wife, Soba, needed separate homes.

The Awan group had access to all the lawmakers’ emails and confidential files on office computers because they had set up the user accounts.

It appears the investigators might have begun looking into the Awans when they discovered congressional information was being sent to an off-site server, leading to suspicions the brothers were accessing and stealing the material.

“Awan bullied central IT to bend the rules for him so there wouldn’t be a paper trail about the unusually high permissions he was requesting.”

It was a major violation of House rules that the suspects’ actions were not logged.

“IT staff at HIR can be tracked for every keystroke they make,” said the source. However, “when these guys were granted access to the Member’s computer systems, there is no oversight or tracking of what they may be doing on the Member’s system. For example, they could make a copy of anything on the Member’s computer system to a thumb drive or have it sent to a private server they had set up, and no one would know.”

House IT workers have a number of reasons to openly wonder if the Awans are blackmailing members of Congress.

Because the Awans had installed everything on their clients’ systems, set up all the accounts and granted all the required permissions and restrictions, which effectively gave them full control over the lawmakers computer systems.

And their remote access meant lawmakers would never even know when the Awans were on their system.

A House IT employee said the new technicians who took over those offices found some had all the office computer data sent to a secret offisite server.

They also discovered a non-government iTunes account to which staffers’ iPhones were linked.

A federal employee told the Daily Caller, as investigators were zeroing in on the Awan brothers, someone had hidden a laptop used by Imran in a crevice of the Rayburn House Office Building. (Rayburn is connected by a tunnel to the adjoining Longworth House Office Building, where Wasserman Schultz’s office is located.)

The source said police later found the laptop and seized it as evidence in the criminal investigation.

But, during the May 18 hearing, Wasserman Schultz openly pressured police to return the evidence to her.

Wasserman Shultz had another bizarre moment the day before, also during an appropriations hearing, when she admitted to violating official information security policy “for years and years and years.”

Another oddity of the case is the question of whether it is mere coincidence that there were computer security breaches at both Wasserman Schultz’s congressional office and the DNC that she headed, or whether the two incidents may be related.

Imran had the password to an iPad used by Wasserman Schultz and the DNC at the time of the publication of the hacked emails by WikiLeaks.

“Imran was on call for, and on a first-name basis with, top DNC staff,” and that Wasserman’s “world – and iPad – mixed DNC, House and campaign business.”

When the DNC emails were published by WIkiLeaks, with the politically toxic information that cost Wasserman Schultz her party chairmanship, former interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile initially claimed the emails might have been fabricated.

When that soon turned out not to be true, Brazile then blamed the Russians for wanting to hurt Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

The DNC would not let investigators find out. They refused to let the FBI examine its server, according to former director James Comey.

A logical conclusion might be the DNC did not want still secret but embarrassing information on the server to be revealed.

The same conclusion might apply to Wasserman’s Schultz’s attempt to retrieve her laptop held by Capitol Police as evidence.

Was Imran connected to the DNC hacks and leaks? Ironically, it was hacked DNC emails that showed Imran’s unusual access to the DNC computer system.

WikiLeaks published an email chain that showed Garret Bonosky, deputy director of the DNC, wrote on May 4, 2016: “Amy – I will call you shortly. I have to get this ipad thing figured out. Need to make sure I have her username and password.”

“I do not have access to her ipad password, but Imran does,” replied DNC Assistant to the Chair Amy Kroll.

although Abbas made $250,000 in his role as a House IT administrator, his most recent job experience had been working at McDonald’s, which had fired him.