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Porgie Tirebiter

07/14/17 11:55 AM

#737 RE: bar1080 #736

Chartists just haven't learned how the market works yet.

If you bought BA in late 2008 (before the bottom) for the simple reason that you were going to enter the stock market because yields had disintegrated in fixed income and bought at around $60/share you are now getting 9.5% yield on that money you had originally put to work in BA. I'm not even counting share price appreciation!

However, that said, perhaps BA has run away from it's fundamentals the last few months? Maybe 25 P/E is a little into the nose bleed altitudes for a company this big?? I also note I.V. in the Jan 2019 LEAPS is about 50% higher on the put side than the call side, and that's a pretty large bear skew.

GE was looking very similar to that (maybe worse?) at around $31 or so, and it's been punished a little lately...