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12/05/17 3:21 PM

#97 RE: e-ore #96

AGGX .28 x .45 Website up after almost one and a half years of "under construction." Shareholder letter from June 2017:

"June 21, 2017
Dear AngioGenex Shareholder:
We would be remiss to begin this letter with anything but the very sad news of the passing
of our longtime Chairman, Dr. Richard Salvador. He was a major figure in the pharmaceutical
industry for decades that had both the vision to see the potential of our novel platform technology
and the perseverance to pursue its commercial development. Dick was as kind and thoughtful as he
was accomplished and committed. Those of us who had the pleasure to count him as a friend and
colleague will miss greatly this rare example of true humanity and personal integrity. We owe a
great debt to the man who led our Company as it succeeded in conceiving and developing the first
class of small molecule ID inhibitor drugs. As we pause to recognize Dr. Salvador’s great
contributions, I take this opportunity to bring you up to date on what we are doing to assure that his
hopes for our drug development plan are realized, as we move forward with renewed resolve and
As the discoverer of the ID mechanism and the scientific founder of AngioGenex, I have
done everything possible to support the company’s efforts within the parameters of its relationship
with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, where I continue to run a lab focused on ID
research. About a year ago a very helpful change in leadership and policy at MSKCC, where I
remain a full member, afforded me the freedom to assume a more active role in the Company as
Chief Scientific and Interim Chief Executive Officer. That more entrepreneurial approach has
allowed us to recruit other important MSKCC scientists to join the AngioGenex team as well. These
include the world renowned oncologist Dr. Larry Norton (Head of the MSKCC Breast Cancer
Service) who has designed our human clinical trials, and medicinal chemist Dr. Ouathek Ouerfelli,
our head of pre-clinical R & D who has designed a series of second and third generation ID
Inhibitors, that have shown increased activity in models of Age Related Macular Degeneration, and
various forms of cancer.
Other important news on the Corporate, R&D and Intellectual Property fronts follow, but
perhaps of greatest interest to our shareholders in the fact that after a six year hiatus, AngioGenex,
Inc. has filed the necessary legal and financial disclosures with the Securities and Exchange
Commission to reclaim its status as a full reporting public company. As such our shares will soon
be eligible for trading on the NASDAQ Bulletin Board under the symbol AGGX.OB instead of on
the “Pink Sheets” as AGGX.PK. Subsequent increases in our market cap, capitalization, and share
price will allow us to apply for listing on the Small Cap and full NASDAQ exchanges, our ultimate
goal as a public company.
Our decision in 2010 to delist the company was motivated by our desire to prioritize our use
of capital on our research and drug development program, rather than incurring the expensive of
remaining a fully reporting public company. As a result we have made substantial progress
developing proprietary drugs that provide new hope for the treatment of ARMD and many forms of
cancer. Specific descriptions of these novel chemical entities (NCE’s) must wait a few weeks for
the completion and filing of additional patent applications.
The importance of our anti-angiogenic drugs on ocular disorders has been validated by a
world renowned leader in ARMD, Dr. Peter Campochiaro under a grant the Company made to the
Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins Medical School. In his lab, in the accepted animal models
of ocular diseases, AngioGenex’s first generation lead drug candidate,AGX51 and its progeny have
proven to be effective at preventing the formation of blood vessels at a rate comparable to or
superior to the current standard of care, Regeneron’s highly profitable drug, Eylea.
Thanks in large part to our having created this proprietary armamentarium of ID-inhibitors,
we have confirmed the drugabilty of the ID target (long thought by many to be impossible), and
attracted a major new angel investor who has provided significant resources, and has committed to
financially support our effort going forward as an SEC reporting NASDAQ company.
Because of the manner in which we developed the drugs, AngioGenex owns the exclusive,
un-encumbered world-wide intellectual property rights to all of these new agents. This will allow us
to pursue future partnerships on more favorable terms if and when we chose to do so. To date a
number of ocular and oncology companies have opened dialogues about potential strategic
partnerships and/or acquisitions. We view these overtures as pre-mature but welcome the validation
of our work
As part of our re-boot we have engaged the top New York law firm of Davis Polk and
Wardwell, and the Eisner Amper LLP. accounting firm as our outside corporate counsel and
auditors respectively. We are also re-launching our web site at to reflect all
of these changes and share the important progress we have made since we last communicated with
you. We all thank you for your continued support as we continue in our pursuit of creating a new
and impactful paradigm for the treatment of diseases of neo-vascularization.
Director, and
Chief Scientific and Executive Officer"