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07/12/17 1:05 PM

#65484 RE: jonsmile #65483

IT TAKES A CAPTAIN TO LEAD THE MISSION; however IT TAKES A CORPORAL TO BRING THE TROOPS HOME. Silver Falcon Mining is an A+ BRAND Buy. That's all. I think the website and name are worth $1,000,000.00 and I totally agree the previous management treated this like their first of three wives, and really went Ike Turner on the old gal. But dude, Tina went on to sell a gazillion records and prove women growing old can still wear high heels and dance. Just because the USS WASP had a captain accidentally ground the ship on a sand bar off the coast of Somalia doesn't mean she didn't get a new captain and successfully STOP a war from breaking out in Haiti a few months later like we did in 1994. Literally saving 250,000 estimated lives that would have died in the weeks following an all out assault on the country torn by 5 years of civil war and lawlessness, similar to the 5 years we have seen SFMI's PPS fall while a building on GOOGLE EARTH is clearly visiable, and a work site and mine have tire tracks creating new treads for all to see.

Silver Falcon Mining, as a BRAND is worth a ton. That's why I liked it, the little bird, the story about the dog discovering the Pelle Peck Adit, I mean shucks I had to look up the word "adit", what the F is an ADIT? Lol, so that is why SFMI is worth money. It's story is rich; so rich men stole the equity from the last time we traded. SO with that said, I would love to be the CEO of SFMI and rebrand this puppy into a fully fuctioning service dog who loves cats and birds alike.