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07/08/17 12:32 PM

#6272 RE: LagunaRad #6254

Flippers think everyone is a hit & run artist who thinks small like they do.

Do you think Johan got to be a billionaire by flipping businesses for a $100 here, a $1,000 there? Absolutely NOT.

He thinks big and he succeeds big.

No matter how many times people post that he's going to do a hit & run for pennies on his investment with $TMPS, it doesn't mean it's going to become true.

It's not.

He keeps thinking big, something flippers just can't get their heads around.

But it's happening. Get used to it. He's not dumping his shares and destroying his investment. Only someone who thinks small would even mention that.
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07/09/17 4:27 PM

#6481 RE: LagunaRad #6254

LOL so sorry Laguna-Rad, it's been a busy weekend and I'm about 200 messages behind. Here's my response to your post.

TMPS could NOT have returned the plane. It was being used by NASA to film the Hawaiian coral reef system at the time when Johan made that demand. Furthermore, TMPLS reputation with the government would have been in the toilet for future government bids.

As far as Johan reselling the Gulfstream Jet ... are you kidding me? The Gulfstream Jet was tricked out and modified with Portable Remote Imaging Spectrometer (PRISM) technology. And was FAA Certified. The modification project took 5,000+ engineering hours to complete. Why would the government want to buy it from Johan, when they initially passed on that opportunity? Could it be they lack "expertise" in that department, so they outsourced the project to Tempus, which aircraft modification is their specialty.

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