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07/06/17 5:51 PM

#58981 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Thank You and I apologize on behalf of anyone not taking you/this seriously...whatever it's worth


07/06/17 6:01 PM

#58985 RE: XOPBCO #58978

There's probably a lot of questions that you won't be able to answer here, but I guess as it was alluded to earlier, is there a possibility of a merger with the parent company?


07/06/17 6:07 PM

#58990 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Questions for the CEO:

Could you explain the $500K MOU that
was a part of your coming onboard?

Is a Reverse Merger with London General Management (LGM) a possibility?

Is a new IPO for LGM possible with a
Share Ratio such as 1:30 for PGPM Shareholders a possibility?

Is it possible that PGPM could run production for LGM properties in The Woodford Shale in North Dakota?

Thank you.


07/06/17 6:09 PM

#58991 RE: XOPBCO #58978

What was the main reason the SEC suspended PGPM? And after the suspension what's the plan of the company? Is it at the utmost importance for the company to get all things in line to become current still? And if we become current in the future is all the PR's that have been posted still taking place? Thank you


07/06/17 6:10 PM

#58993 RE: XOPBCO #58978

We don't need a pr, just tell us here


07/06/17 6:14 PM

#58996 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Lol, this board has officially jumped the shark. Should be entertaining anyway, at least we'll get something for our money..


07/06/17 6:14 PM

#58997 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Why does PGPM continue to try and defraud investors while being investigated by the SEC for fraud???


Buyer Beware

SEC Suspension for Fraud



07/06/17 6:25 PM

#59007 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Thank you for taking the time ! Many folks and families have taken a position, our/their hope is that our investment is not lost.....what reassurances can you offer to the legitimacy of the Company prospects in overcoming the suspension ?....and going forward, where do you see the Company in 6 months based on the plans stated in previous shareholder communications for 2017 ?

Thank you and Respectfully,



07/06/17 6:34 PM

#59013 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Thankyou for coming here. It says a lot about your character. Here are some questions I have:

1. The SEC specifically mentions the capital raise (FORM D). Was 3 million ever raised? Does the company currently have those funds available?

2. What, if any, contact do you currently have with the SEC? Many here are claiming that the suspension proves that fraud has already occurred. Was the SEC in contact with the company before they suspended the stock?

3. The share adjustment from roughly 1.1 billion to 2 billion was a huge red flag for many. I know the company claims that there was a mistake in accounting for the shares or something like that, but the TA said it was 1.1 billion back in April and then it jumped to 2 billion in June. Wouldn't the TA know exactly how many shares outstanding there were? It seems to be that there were common shares that Pinedo owned from back in 2012 and he sold them over the past few months.

4. Suspension by the SEC has basically been a death sentence for OTC stockS. Out of the thousands that have been suspended, almost all, have never been able to uplist out of the grey market. What are your plans to rectify this situation? Have you hired a securities attorney to help with the SEC? Is the auditor able to help the company get back on an exhange that uses Market Makers?

5. Are the plans for the share buyback on hold since the suspension has moved PGPM to the greys. I believe this would be a great opportunity for the company to buyback shares since we are likely going to see very low prices once the suspension is lifted.

6. What verifiable assets does the company currently have?

I appreciate your time and still am hoping for the best here. I know the chances are slim to none, but something tells me that this company is the real deal. Maybe it is just blind hope, I don't know. Anyway, any insight you can give to those invested here will be greatly appreciated.



07/06/17 6:44 PM

#59017 RE: XOPBCO #58978

I've put over $34,000 of my hard earned money into PGPM. I am not a wealthy man. I just need something from you to give me hope. I am a big boy and I understood the risk I was taking. I just need something to grasp onto.


07/06/17 6:49 PM

#59021 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Sir.... you have scammed us all just go away so we can move on with our lives . Your stock gives me nightmares their is nothing you can do at this point . The sec has suspended this company and we are all doomed on the grey sheets


07/06/17 6:51 PM

#59025 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Many folks and families have taken a position, our/their hope is that our investment is not lost.....what reassurances can you offer to the legitimacy of the Company prospects in overcoming the suspension ?....and going forward, where do you see the Company in 6 months based on the plans stated in previous shareholder communications for 2017 ?


07/06/17 6:51 PM

#59026 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Why haven't you paid the state for cleaning up your pollution and environmental disaster?


07/06/17 6:54 PM

#59029 RE: XOPBCO #58978

I would like a payout for my shares at the closing price of the halt at 0.0039. I accept check and wire deposit. Please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Thank you


07/06/17 6:56 PM

#59034 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Write me a check for my shares. This will be the way to start the buyback. 90 days and company checks to all shareholders at the closing price or else you guys will be facing serious jail time for fraud


07/06/17 7:14 PM

#59046 RE: XOPBCO #58978

HONEST Explanation why PGPM got suspended.

What will happen when suspension is lifted

Explanation on how grey market trading works and what we can expect the PPS price to be when trading resumes. Do most brokers support this?

Will shareholders be compensated for their losses? I'm expecting some sort of compensation after this mega scam. Otherwise you"ll probably have many lawsuits coming your way

What is the companies future plans? PGPM resources told countless people including myself that company plans and events were going to be released in a press release shortly after going current. Was this just BS or is their actually plans and material events to be expected

This was a big loss for me but I didn't have as much invested in this stock as a lot of other people here. PGPM made everything to come sound so promising regardless of the skull and cross bones on OTC. You have ruined lives here with your dishonesty. Please be honest with your PR.


07/06/17 7:16 PM

#59047 RE: XOPBCO #58978

If you are really going to do a press release, you should know what you should be responding to first and foremost.

Secondly, please be sure to have a proof reader check for spelling and grammatical errors.


07/06/17 8:25 PM

#59071 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Thank you for communicating with shareholders. Why was PGPM suspended? We want the truth.

I have invested nearly $40k of my hard-earned money in this company. I believed in you. Now it is gone.

Give me a single reason that my shares are NOT worth $0.00 now that PGPM has been suspended by the SEC trading on the grey sheets.

Thank you.


07/06/17 8:26 PM

#59072 RE: XOPBCO #58978

I sure hope you're for real brother . I took a huge gamble and invested money that I'm truly going to need in the next couple of weeks . My choice , and I'll accept the consequences but I sure pray you are the real thing and this stock gives me at least 50% of what I put in it . I don't even mind losing but I need the money so bad right now just getting 50% of what I put in would be a huge blessing right now. Again I accept any consequences but I sure pray you're for real sir.


07/06/17 8:35 PM

#59074 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Plan of action for coming off Greys.


07/06/17 8:48 PM

#59076 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Based on your ihub handle, one would assume you are Samuel C Smith, the New CEO of Pilgrim Petroleum.

Your other company...Striper Energy, ticker symbol CPCCD, was suspended by the SEC on May 6, 2016 for exactly the same reasons Pilgrim has been suspended for. Striper Energy is still on the grey sheets, and has not resolved the issues the SEC suspended you for over a year ago.

Care to explain what happened there?

My question to you is, WHY should we believe anything you may say? Your HISTORY AND TRACK RECORD tells many of us that you are not to be trusted or believed. Your success rate to date is ZERO.

Link to suspension order


07/06/17 9:05 PM

#59079 RE: XOPBCO #58978

How do you think you'll look in a prison jumpsuit? Have you ever heard of the TV show American Greed?


07/07/17 4:13 AM

#59100 RE: XOPBCO #58978

I see that your suspended company has/had the same address as pgpm. How long have you shared virtual offices with raffy?


07/07/17 7:05 AM

#59102 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Raffy still has control, is he calling all of the shots? Is this just a scheme to hide his horrible record from the public? Have you or raffy ever had a profitable company or just disasters and suspensions?


07/07/17 12:30 PM

#59138 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Good Afternoon, are we still expecting a PR today?


07/07/17 3:40 PM

#59194 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Boy, you have the touch when it comes to getting stocks suspended...


07/08/17 1:51 AM

#59348 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Thanks for the PR and Ihub posting today, looking forward to hearing from you about PGPM through Ihub (Although I see your previous posts were deleted, I read it and agree!!)
Congrats on your new CEO position and welcome to Ihub!


07/08/17 4:27 PM

#59450 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Thanks for the update yesterday, can you tell me has the company bought any of it's shares since the June 19th announcement approving the stock repurchase and retirement program?
Thank You for your time


03/14/21 7:59 PM

#64420 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Sam, Please through us a bone here would ya? Release a PR saying you are going to get PGPM current again, even if it isn't true K? Thanks!


01/07/24 10:28 PM

#64469 RE: XOPBCO #58978

Now would be a good time to file paperwork to become pink current again, just sayin