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07/05/17 10:51 AM

#121487 RE: Crispy_2014 #121473

No Crispy, nothing is "by ear". My tecnical work is Almost all positive, it is is what is known as the "MACD" that I feel has to improve just a bit. Some technicians might not feel this way but I happen to count on it more than some of the other indicators. The couple of times I checked the Size on the quotes this morning they were biased to the upside so we are still early in the day lets see how we finish at the close. A breakthrough .294, in my opinion, will turn that MACD Positive. As I have mentioned previously Crispy there are no Guarantees in this game, as you well know, but this is my Honest Opinion and I also have accumulated a heavy position over the years. All the best to you. Tlsmd