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07/02/17 5:19 PM

#5084 RE: whizknock #5076

After being summarily dismissed from the board last night, I wasn't going to post today. I believe your message is a version of the truth that isn't accepted by the majority of the Longs on this board. What I've learned in the past two days is denial by most Longs that the Shorts are eating Steak and Lobster this weekend and maybe next weekend too. It seems unfathomable that a Billionaire who brokered a ownership and control convertible note deal would both sell those shares into the market and buy the company for pennies on the dollar in BK court. The resignation of the four directors signals that there is no scenario where this shrewd and calculating Billionaire doesn't win. Open your eyes.

I may buy TMPS tomorrow but, my entry target is more than half below the closing price on Friday.


07/02/17 5:59 PM

#5091 RE: whizknock #5076

Can a mod sticky the post I am responding to . It simply refutes all the distorted info in post # 4794


07/02/17 8:02 PM

#5107 RE: whizknock #5076

The claim that there is no intent to dilute does not mean that there will be no dilution.


The dilution will be the result of all the bad things that happen with TMPS. It will be a side effect.

There is so much confusion which is why we need to know how many of the shares are restricted and how many are unrestricted.


07/02/17 11:00 PM

#5151 RE: whizknock #5076

See you at $20 YESSSSSS!!!!!!!


07/03/17 11:41 PM

#5465 RE: whizknock #5076

That is fantastic DD.

It doesn't really get any better than defense contracts.

You have to have a lot on the ball to score these contracts.

This last one is huge.

It is going to open so many doors for TMPS.


07/04/17 7:59 AM

#5476 RE: whizknock #5076

Incredible DD Whizknock. I am even more secure in my long term investment with $TMPS than I was before.


07/08/17 8:25 PM

#6335 RE: whizknock #5076


COWN & Johan Eliasch are working together to facilitate a future COORDINATED transaction? Johan would be planning to "sell" some or all of his 77.5 mil shares. And COWN the market maker (whose likely the culprit naked shorting TMPS) would 'buy to cover' in a coordinated transaction reported as a T Trade after hours. In effect, COWN would be providing the liquidity for Johan to sell some or all of his shares.

What do you perma-bulls say? Am I on to something? I think I am!

All imo


07/09/17 10:00 AM

#6419 RE: whizknock #5076

TMPS: Billionaire Investor takes a $6.5 Million position and co-ownership of TMPS
Hes not Here to lose!

Invest with Investors and You can profit Greatly! War+Defense = Money$$

07/14/17 12:42 AM

#8310 RE: whizknock #5076

Very nice very nice indeed. $TMPS


07/14/17 2:57 AM

#8325 RE: whizknock #5076

Good post. What I find interesting as well is that all the letters of resignation are shown per the SEC filings, except John Gulbin's. Did he actually resign or did he threaten to resign? I don't think he officially resigned, and he owns half of Tempus Intermediate Holdings or the private side of the overall Tempus organization. John and Scott were already in the process of merging assets with TMPS or the public entity. TIH appears to be the stronger of the two. Merger still proceeding forward?