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06/29/17 7:32 PM

#12139 RE: gfp927z #12137

gfp: Warren Buffett should stick to picking stocks. He is a phony. He is the poster boy for corrupt, crony capitalism. I despise the man.

A single payer system would be a financial disaster. The people who would cost the most within the system would have no incentive to work or in any way take care of themselves to mitigate costs. And illegals would flood the system. Fraud and abuse would be rampant. Nothing the Federal government does is efficiently run or costs less than estimated. A National Health plan would be perpetually out of money requiring higher and higher taxes. Look at England. Such a system works for limited Primary care, but for more serious illness that type of system fails too many people. Waiting lists, denials of care, etc. I don't want some Democrat know it all lawyer telling my Doctor what treatments would be best for me. And I don't want my taxes going to give medical care to non citizens, period. And you can never convince me that the Feds would prevent that from happening. California was going to try to go it alone on single payer health care. Until the estimates on cost came in and they realized the cost would be double what the entire State budget was. We have way too many free loaders in this country. We don't need any more government programs to incentivise more people to jump on the benefit wagon while there are fewer and fewer of the rest of us pulling the wagon.


07/10/17 4:43 AM

#12163 RE: gfp927z #12137

Warren is a Great trader/investor. However, his public notions about investment have been incomplete because it appears so simple to be true.