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06/26/17 7:37 PM

#233597 RE: Bull_Dolphin #233596

lol and thanks for clarifying that.
I was pretty sure we were friends.
FWIW, the article was originally printed in an English newspaper.
Hmmm. I thought we got our measurement systems from them.

PMS Witch

06/27/17 7:40 AM

#233629 RE: Bull_Dolphin #233596

Metric system. . .

In some cases, Metric makes more sense. For Weather, I find it awkward.

The outside temperatures where I live could almost always be expressed as a positive two digit number when we used Fahrenheit. In Winter, when it's cold enough to require a negative number, the temperature doesn't matter to me -- it's simply COLD! And when the temperature needs three digits, it's simply HOT!

Then along came Metric.

Now, for half the year, the Weather Guy uses negative numbers. As well, a one degree change is almost double what it used to be. And conversion isn't so easy: F=(C*9/5)+32 or C=(F-32)*5/9.

Kinda makes me wish they'd use Kelvin. I'd enjoy 300 degree Summers.

Cheers, PW.

P.S. When Canada converted to Metric, all packaging changed size. And in EVERY case, the consumer received less for the same money.

P.P.S. A related thing: Official fuel consumption for vehicles is expressed as Liters needed to drive 100 Kilometers while most people were still thinking of Miles per Gallon. The tediousness of altering my consideration from "How far can I get with a quantity of fuel" to "How much fuel is needed to travel this distance" encouraged me to disregard fuel economy altogether.

P.P.P.S. My car burns $10 in fuel per hour of driving. This may not be precise, but it's easy!