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06/26/17 4:22 PM

#10186 RE: ksuave #10185

Why he won - the bigger assshole-theory? Dems are so busy trying to convince everyone of something everyone already knows, 'Trumpsnassshole', they're blinded to so much else going on in the world? SAD!


06/26/17 4:23 PM

#10187 RE: ksuave #10185

Someone needs to remind Trump that he is the President. The light bulb finally went off in Trump, he finally admits that Russia played a part in meddling in the 2016 election, and Russia did favor helping Trump get elected.

As for what part his campaign staff played in all of this is still being investigated, Trump has been under the allusion that Russia had nothing to do with the 2016 election.

Even today new information has been disclosed that Jared Kushner received a loan, dated the day before the election from Deutsche Bank in the amount of
$ 285 Million dollars.

Then there are those meeting with the heads of two more Russian Banks, and once again that same Russian who seems to be at the center of almost every meeting between Trump, his campaign and Russia.

Trump keeps claiming he has never done any business with Russia, or Russia Banks, and no one in his campaign did either, but yet this investigation keeps showing just the opposite.