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06/25/17 6:15 PM

#122661 RE: tedpeele #122660

Read that fellow's message a bit more closely. Didn't say the Confuse It Company CEO was a criminal. What he said was he's doing business with a convicted securities fraudster.

In my book, that doesn't inspire confidence, much less genuine trust.

And, some of the DD Board folks are wondering if your real agenda is to pump this Confuse It Company stock, since you continue to make reference to it.

If your genuine purpose is to pump a specific stock, please be a really swell guy and admit to all the DD board folks that this is your genuine purpose.

Then you can be banned from posting on this message thread and you'll be a better man for it, I guarantee it.


06/25/17 6:33 PM

#122663 RE: tedpeele #122660

Please select all pictures that have a storefront in them




then select submit.

The DD board will respond after verifying.
Thank you.