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06/25/17 3:58 PM

#31540 RE: Felo31 #31534

"The audience tht will go to S&L goes there to have fun and not to deal with the stress of how to make money. Besides, those units dont look cheap. Does the average college student have $2-5k lying around to make a purchase? (Im assuming thats the price for a small kit)!"

This is not even close to what I was proposing, and I have no idea what the above paragraph is referencing? They wouldn't be trying sell RotoGroZone units to customers, or have them stocked on the shelves to sell lmao! Maybe read a little on the proposed idea before chiming in.
Here's a simple statement. The more people that know about grozone and what it does/is the better their outlook(and by extension AMFE/S&L) especially in states legalizing recreational mj. If u can't see the value added then not sure what to say? The units would simply BE THERE growing organic produce on location. They'd look cool to customers and might generate interest.
That's all I'll say, as I was simply throwing an idea out there, and now regret mentioning it.


06/25/17 4:07 PM

#31542 RE: Felo31 #31534

U realize that advertising is expensive right? This would be far superior to ANY advertising campaign imo. Brewing equipment takes up space, but places have them cause it adds an element to the business, and people like that it was brewed(grown) there. It would be location specific obviously, but a snakes expanding to Vegas for instance. That could simultaneously penetrate the mj market without having to advertise, create a sales force, buy a building solely for a demo/exhibit? I see a lot of value added to AMFE but if u don't that's fine too. Agree to disagree


06/25/17 4:28 PM

#31544 RE: Felo31 #31534

They could also use any extra space for more retail games/displays, clothing and other fun stuff that blends into their theme.. maybe an interactive Nintendo Switch display?

Each square foot costs money and if you do not utilize to perfection, it can be the difference in making a profit or not.

The idea has merit, but I dont think the average consumer cares about how their food is grown. Being organic isn't that unique anymore... However, if they had a glass room full of Organic MJ and sold it there, THAT would attract a crowd... but I would still rather see more products and amenities. They are in a prime position to boost the amount each customer/group purchases imo, with a little incentive to do so. Like a % discount on anything in the store if they paid a cover.

Or having a SMALL arcade room... So when someone gets whooped and they have to wait until next game to play again, they can go hit the arcade... but i would not want more than a few games. IMO a larger retail area will make them more money. Especially if they could come out with a line of shirts that are ONLY sold at Snakes, which use the characters and themes from the popular games. This could be an easy way to increase per customer sales. Ever been to Disneyland?! lol... I bet The Oatmeal (Exploding Kittens/Bears vs Babies) could make them some custom shirts branded with the Snakes logo... and the Oatmeal has millions of followers/customers that know the games/characters. It would be a great cross promotion to build their brands, while making $$$