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06/25/17 11:14 AM

#7107 RE: Greg444 #7104

Thank you Greg
I got into this investment by a bet of dinner with a friend I told him there would never be any Copper mining in the BWCA. Then I went out to prove him wrong, and then I found that article I have mentioned in past 09-06-2012. Then I new I was wrong and lost the bet! Since then I have researched every connection to this mine in effect to 5000 hours and my research was over 80% correct. You are correct the big business will mine here and all the five states included. I get the sense that the Glencores Rio's of the worlds would like to put the small investors out of business, but I believe this board will hold there feet to the fire, because the board is like no other board we are all united to see this investment thru to the end! We are all owners with our shares and with that we have legal rights and protections from being lied and prayed a pond by any entity's that may want to take our life saving illegally. Gregg complement covers all the members of this board because with out each of you my research would not be complete with out your insight pieces of the puzzle. You all have the answers we need to finish this project to the end!

Thank you every body for your support!