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06/24/17 5:49 PM

#480585 RE: bkshadow #480583

It's indirect link. MBS is back as equities. Shareholders are owners of equities.
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06/24/17 6:02 PM

#480586 RE: bkshadow #480583

What are you saying?Ok than read carefully slowly under.

but it has nothing... do with the mortgage backed securities 'coming back

Page 9/44
B. WaMu’s Contractual Obligations
(1) The Governing Documents for the Trusts

38. [color=red]The PAA expressly provides that JPMC “specifically assumes all mortgage
servicing rights and obligations
of [WMB].” [/color]PAA (Exhibit 2), § 2.1.
39. The FDIC assigned to JPMC, and JPMC has assumed, all mortgage servicing rights and obligations of WaMu to the extent provided in the PAA.

Wasnt you telling to everyone in here that all those Trustees are going to remain to the WMB while they were only getting the Dollars from the Servicing right?

...that's why THEY are getting the NOTICES.
Who is They?Dont you switch words.No one was speaking about the Repurchase Obligations in that text as those have remained clearly under the FDIC R as the receiver of the WMB.Pls dont play with people which U underestimate their Logic let alone the INFO they have.So dont play around with words but make your point which right now is nothing.The FDIC is the One of the Partys getting Notice from the DB Trustees.And than is the FDIC R which will Inform the WMILT and the DBNTC about any Notice for future provisiions they will made on the Trustees dollars to where they should go.

42. The Governing Documents:
a. are all in writing;
b. were all executed by WaMu and DBNTC, as Trustee, at the time the associated property interests were transferred;
c. were executed on behalf of WaMu by individuals duly authorized by the applicable WaMu entity’s Board of Directors;
d. have been continuously in existence, since the time of execution, and constitute official books and records of WaMu; and
e. constituted official books and records of WMB at the time of WMB’s closing on
September 25, 2008.

Is it clear what they telling to you and other in this piece of text?

Page 17/44

48. WaMu (not WMB)as the Seller, Depositor and/or Servicer has exclusive possession of the loan origination and servicing records and, as the Servicer charged with enforcing the terms and conditions of mortgage loans on behalf of the Trusts, WaMu would be the first party acting on behalf of the Trusts likely to discover facts and circumstances that constitute a breach of a Representation and Warranty with respect to any particular mortgage loan in the Trusts, and in most circumstances is the only party able to confirm the existence of such a breach.

And now read carefully under.And dont tell me is hard for you to understand what they saying.

4) WaMu’s Repurchase Obligation
53. The Governing Documents require WaMu, as Seller and/or Depositor, to cure the defect in the mortgage loan file or breach of the Representations and Warranties in all material respects, repurchase the mortgage loan at a specified repurchase price, or substitute for the affected mortgage loan upon discovery or receipt of notice of any breach of the Representations and Warranties that has a material and adverse effect on the value of the mortgage loans in the Trusts or the interests of the Trusts therein (the “Repurchase Obligation”).
54. Under the Governing Documents for each Primary Trust, WaMu, as Seller and/or Depositor, has Repurchase Obligations to each Primary Trust.

Do you read anywhere the Word WMB?What about the JPM?What about the WORD FDIC R?

And this is what in the end was settled more or less in the last week Order to be signed or already signed from the Judge.

WHEREFORE, the Trusts and the Trustee request the following relief from this Court:
A. A judgment in their favor against JPMC, in an amount to be determined, plus
pre-and post-judgment interest, costs of suit, and attorneys’ fees; and/or
B. in the alternative, against the FDIC, in an amount to be determined, plus pre-and
post-judgment interest, costs of suit, and attorney’s fees;
C. a declaratory judgment declaring: (i) which, or in the alternative, that both of,
WaMu’s two potential successors-in-interest – the FDIC or JPMC – succeed(s) to
WaMu’s liabilities for breaches of Governing Documents and WaMu’s ongoing
obligations to the Trusts and the Trustee under the Governing Documents,
including, but not limited to, the Repurchase Obligations, the Notice Obligations,
the Access Rights and the Indemnification Rights, and (ii) the extent to which
each of the FDIC or JMPC have assumed those liabilities and ongoing
D. costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees incurred by the Trustee in connection with this

Please your last post was really Woow and didnt expect from you.Next time will not respond to you as you dont have any Fact based but only Opinions known to everyone.Dont forget that other people can read too.