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06/23/17 10:00 AM

#17989 RE: Surwin #17979

This article punchlines with...

"The game changer is to have a good offense and hunt down attackers and zero days in your environment. Migrating to the cloud is the offensive playbook that makes it easier for you to be the real game changer."

Now how do we keep the cloud secure? Validian Protect!

I believe Validian has spent a good deal of time focusing on just that approach. It seems that we are in agreement on the best approach to cyber security.

The Penny Preacher

06/23/17 5:44 PM

#18011 RE: Surwin #17979

This it BRILLIANT...

This is a quote from the article "The Game Changer: Next Generation Cyber Security.

The cloud is one of the tools that can make the game changer happen. Migrating your systems to a hosted cloud environment opens the opportunity to go on the offensive. Any hornets’ nest found is for your cloud vendor to manage. Ensure a schedule for your hunt is part of the contract and get SLAs for mitigation. Game changer.

Tooo Funny...

Their Game Changing SOLUTION to the cyber security problem is to make it someone else's problem. BRILLIANT!!! Why didn't I think of that? Don't actually SOLVE the problem, Don't STOP the hackers, Just sign a contract with your Cloud provider that makes them responsible for solving it.

Oooh my goodness. I can't stop laughing so I can type. That is AMAZING!!!

The best idea that have is to make it your Cloud provider's problem.

And of course, since they also say that they are ASSUMING your data and the applications that will remain on your land based system has already been hacked, they KNOW that this will not actually SOLVE your problem, "it will just make the target of opportunity smaller for your opponent [aka: the hackers]."


If this is the best the competition has to offer, what is the world are we arguing about?