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06/22/17 3:20 PM

#128645 RE: aqfl #128631

Yes there's a problem out here~~~Summer People and YEAR ROUND never the twain ever meet ! I find Summer People ARROGANT~~PUSHY with no class and no Manners~~year round are the people that are here work to keep CITY{Summer People} going The Summer is like a Feeding FRENZY for the Plumbers~electricians ~Carpentors ~Landscapers COOKS ETC My electrition has his own plane my pest control person has a Plane too !! I made my $$ here in Real Estate I would never Mingle with the Summer people I don't care where they go or their Parties to me the are ROBATIC and Plastic !!Last weekend a young city girl wanted the Parking space I already was3/4 into she gave me the finger cursed said I was old and needed GlasseS ETC~~If I had my pistol There would have pulled it out instead I waited outside the store and I followed her until I got tired sped up pulled alongside and cursed and gave her the finger a nd sped away Oh well 13 weekends to go BUH BYE