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06/21/17 3:41 PM

#122237 RE: N4longterm #122236

Hi N4longterm, thanks for engaging:

<<So you are basically saying that you would need to hear the answer from EVERY mm out there. Otherwise, you could claim that maybe you don't at ABC, but what about XYZ. >>

That would help, but why should I believe them? :) I don't know what it would take, but obviously if there is widespread collusion going on we would have 2 things:

1. widespread knowledge of it among mms
2. widespread efforts to keep it a secret

I don't know what would convince me, but I would be skeptical of any claims that collusion isn't happening until those claims are shown to be credible - somehow.

<<Eventually you need to realize that just because the IRC poster, who admits to being paid, claims that 'paid bashers' exist doesn't mean it is true. >>

I haven't committed to believing anybody's claims. I have witnessed some things that to me are difficult to explain and one possible explanation to me is widespread collusion for 2 reasons: Because I am not aware of a reasonable alternative explanation, and because it would seem they are in a powerful enough position to collude successfully IF THEY have the means to do so. If there is collusion I would fully expect bashing and pumping here on IHUB to help the collusion succeed.

<<If you were to ask all of IHUB's posters; what name comes to mind when you hear the words 'paid basher'? Over 80% of them would reply 'Janice Shell'>>

I wouldn't be one of them, not having much knowledge on specific plays, but I've have found her posts to be helpful on some occasions.

<<, and the rest would reply with the other top 10 posters on this board. Seems to me that them telling you it is a myth should bear quite a bit of weight in the argument.>>

I don't know anything about this board or those who post a lot on it. I don't know their level of experience or independent thinking, so have no basis to make a judgement. Again, just because Janice isn't a paid basher doesn't mean that other bashers (or pumpers for that matter) aren't mms.