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06/21/17 10:43 AM

#30308 RE: User-65225 #30305

CEO email: The stock was worth about .02 when he wrote this...

Good Evening,

Thank you for being a part of and reaching out to Amfil Technologies Inc. First off I want to apologize as I gather from your email that this is your second attempt in reaching out and for whatever reason I did not receive any other emails from you. I do my best to respond to all shareholder inquiries as we appreciate you being a part of our company.

I am sure it is frustrating as a shareholder to see other companies as you have mentioned with larger trading volumes and price increases and our company has a disconnect with the markets and how they value us. We are fully cognizant of this fact and all I can say is that I truly believe this will change very soon. Every shareholder wants to have immediate positive impact on their position once they get involved and I get it. The thing that I ask you to understand from my point of view, is that while comparing us to other OTC companies, we really are not a company for this exchange and it is being proven even more each day and with each announcement we make. While some short term satisfaction will be had by current shareholders to have an email list or IR company that some shareholders email me with that will increase the stock price immediately, it will also just create a new round of shareholders buying at the higher prices demanding the same thing. In my opinion, the share price will go up, we traded as high as 2000% from our trading prices four months ago and consistently at about 1000% from those levels. Do I want it to be much higher yesterday, of course. In terms of an IR company, yes, the company will get one and it will be a vetted and good one for the long term. We are not a company built on hype but on fundamentals, now, do you need a little bit of both on the exchange we are currently on, agreed. We just don't want to attract those type of short term shareholders or be labeled as that type of company, so it really is a double edged sword.

All I can ask of you at this stage is if you like what you see, if you like the company, if you have a positive gut feeling on where you think we are going to go in the future, then bare with us and have a little extra patience then you might usually have with your other OTC investments. I can assure you, that there are a lot of moves being made behind the scenes that ultimately should benefit our shareholders in a big way.

I hope you have a great evening. Please feel free to reach out anytime.

Roger Mortimer
(647) 880 5887"