Insiders; Registered shareholders who are unable to attend the Meeting in person and who wish to ensure that
their shares will be voted at the Meeting are requested to complete, date and sign the enclosed form
of proxy or complete another suitable form of proxy and deliver it in accordance with the instructions
set out in the form of Proxy and in the Information Circular.
Non-registered shareholders (beneficial shareholders) who hold their shares through a brokerage
firm,( like Scottrade, TD Ameritrade, Edwards Jones, Cantor) bank or trust company and plan to attend the Meeting must follow the instructions set out in the
accompanying form of proxy or voting instruction form, and in the Information Circular to ensure that
your shares will be voted at the Meeting.
If you didnt return your PROXY in time, the company will do what it wants to and shareholders have NO SAY when the quarterly burn rate increases to 6.3 Million per quarter taking the share price down to the $1.20's again.