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06/13/17 6:16 AM

#14630 RE: T-Kenchman #14628

100% can watch any of the food documentaries....Fat, Sick and nearly dead, Food Inc, Forks over Knives and see that the "added sugar" pandemic is the root of the health/weight problems in America.
The post before yours touched on exercise (lack of) given the current technology (cable, gaming systems, devices) available to kids today.

I was born in 1971 and was one of those kids who played outside from sun up to sun down. I played league sports my whole life and played basketball all the way up through college. It's just how things were back then. It's a whole different world these days and not only kids, but many adults sit at a desk 8-12 hours a day, then sit in their car for an hour in traffic and then lie for hours on the couch and binge watch tv until it's time to go lay in bed for 8 more hours.

If a device can take away the symptoms of having diabetes or can keep a kid from starting out life on the wrong "health" foot, I think this can be a greatly successful device.
The sheer numbers of people this can help is why I think diabetes will be our biggest cure/disease.
I was talking to Dr Rudd and he said he thought that diabetes would also be the biggest cure of his device hands down. He said it's not even close.
I guess time will tell. Apparently we can get the diabetes device marketed under a temporary FDA approval once we reach a certain point in FDA trials. But as long as the device continues to work without side effects harming people, we can continue to sell our device for diabetes. Dr Rudd said pretty much a 100% cure rate for diabetes, so I'm pretty confident that's where we are headed.
Good luck to all longs!
