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06/09/17 11:02 AM

#23575 RE: Rocinante #23573

Your a funny guy,

Misdirection won't work.

Thats the website not the website which used to exist. Artilium-Africa was going to be Artilium's way of breaking into the African telecom market.

Artilium never claimed to want to buy NEAH batteries, Artilium-Africa's supposed management were the ones claiming to be getting ready to build micro-data centers throughout Africa and were going to supposedly buy up to 20 million in "NEXT GENERATION" power storage from NEAH.

Click the link at the bottom and see what you get.

Looking thru news there is nothing about anything with Artilium-Africa and there used to be. Wonder what happened there.

Not saying its NEAH's fault just saying there were articles written ( D'Couto interviews ) that claimed these non-existent companies were set to buy millions of dollars in batteries from NEAH. PUMP N DUMP FUEL ?

