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06/04/17 11:03 PM

#11172 RE: sumisu #11171

I hope you have a terrific harvest!

Thank you for the kind words, and for all the knowledge that you and others have been generous enough to share. It is very rewarding, and appreciated.


06/12/17 11:29 AM

#11190 RE: sumisu #11171

GM Eddie! Here's a picture of some of the Yukon gold potatoes that I dug up last week. I piled up rows of compost early this year in late winter. Put a trough down the middle and put in a mixture of Azomite, Mycorrhiza, and potash. The seed potatoes were the smaller tater's from last year's batch. I spread those on a piece of plywood and put them in the basement over winter. When I'm ready to plant, the seeds aren't available in the stores, so I have my own. I planted these some time in Feb when it was unseasonably warm and I was going stir crazy. Not bad for Jun 8, filled the box and only dug up 6 plants. Wasn't sure how planting the smaller seed potatoes would do? The offspring aren't lacking for size or quantity.

Those two rows are about 30 feet long and loaded. The rest of the rows I have planted were ordered from Gurneys and aren't ready yet. They are blooming nicely and looking healthy.

The tall flowering plants in the background are white radishes, gone wild. A few years ago, a friend told me that generic white radishes from Wal-Mart would repel squash beetles. I planted them and let them go to seed. They come up every year on their own. They grew up to about 7 foot tall this year while flowering. I think they like the compost too. :-)