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06/02/17 7:42 AM

#5230 RE: BigDawgGMoney #5229

That's exactly what I was thinking, Shorts are selling to Shorts but as you said it will end of badly for the late retail shorts. Good stuff! I smell a mega run. You may see a 50 to 75 cent pop in a single day. You just can't make this stuff up. What a cocktail of short destruction. LOL

Remember for longs to pull stop orders. If you want to sell then watch the market and sell but in this specific case I would hold on tight. Cherish your shares as if they are GOLD. At least you have shares. Right now you cannot afford to dump and buy back later. Bad idea cause this thing is about to blow.....

LOCK up your shares by placing high sell limit orders to keep law abiding brokers from letting shorts borrow your shares to use against you. There's not a lot you can do with Naked(illegal) shorting, The SEC will take care of that, right.... lol....

glta longs


06/02/17 7:49 AM

#5231 RE: BigDawgGMoney #5229

BigDawgGMoney, I hope I can learn your investment wisdom. For now, I just enjoy reading your posts. Thanks a lot for being a genuine champion of the NAK LONGS! More than ever, I now understand the situation on NAK because of your very informative insights. Your efforts are much appreciated!

Pls don't get tired of being one of the most reasonable voices in this board!



06/02/17 8:10 AM

#5233 RE: BigDawgGMoney #5229

I like thesis BigDG. Can ask who "we" is that you refer to in your post?