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05/31/17 11:26 AM

#54816 RE: 66Mustang #54815

I have to disagree with the notion that the company has gone silent. Yes I would like to have heard something after the the announcement of the RS vote but still.
McNally webcast Noblecon, ROTH, Bloom Burton and had a CC all in 5 months. Also the interview with the two drunk guys. Plenty of PR's since he took over too. Annual report, SEDAR filings, updates on reaching milestones, new hires.
I'm anxious too but he hasn't been exactly silent.


05/31/17 11:32 AM

#54817 RE: 66Mustang #54815

If this management team doesn't understand why investors wouldn't want Randall on the BOD then god help us! As far as THEM feeling betrayed....don't get me started...


05/31/17 11:51 AM

#54818 RE: 66Mustang #54815

Thanks for your review... I can wait for AGM, hopefully we will get some good info - but if it's possible we should put together smart / well organized questions to McNally and team which addresses our obvious frustrations. I still think McNally is a great asset, and is a worker, but the lack of info is a concern..



05/31/17 1:03 PM

#54819 RE: 66Mustang #54815

I don't think it's as much about distrust (for me at least) as it is the reality that we have a long and hard road still ahead, with high risks of losing it all. We all thought we'd be at market by 2017. We all know what transpired, no need to re-hash what has already been hashed to death.

The reality setting in for me is (and I hope I'm completely wrong) is this is a dead investment until 2020 with a high risk of losing it all a long the way. Especially if there is another delay in milestones. We aren't far enough along for legitimate partnership/buyout opportunities. Yet sit here at .25/share operating "paycheck to paycheck". Not to mention other companies possibly entering the market in 2019 while we're still in the FDA approval process. And that's if we don't have any delays. A LOT has to go exactly right just to be in the market in basically 2 1/2 to 3 years. Not very encouraging to say the least.

I do find the lack of information a bit disturbing, but I don't have any evidence that the new management team is lying to us. There seems to be a rapidly growing distrust here on the message board, as well as a diminished outlook, despite no real change to drive those viewpoints downward. Particularly with AGM so close, we should not be expecting any sort of announcement unless some huge breakthrough happens to hit between now and then, and this is a bit premature for that type of a breakthrough. The sole exception I can think of is something which resolves our imminent funding issue. Not likely in the next two weeks.