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05/31/17 4:20 AM

#74307 RE: The Stock Warlock #74304

Thanks. I'm starting to see what's getting people excited about this.

What Gailm and I have been focusing on is the fiber, which could almost be considered the plant waste, which in itself seems to have value that matches or exceeds traditional crops.

But then you look at the things that are far more labor intensive to collect and process, and the profit potential goes way up. I just hear about Hemp Inc's industrial Decorticator. Do they have the equipment to harvest, press, or refine the seeds, leaves, and flowers?


05/31/17 2:28 PM

#74329 RE: The Stock Warlock #74304

You need to look at Cannabinoids

Medical grade oil--- ultra low thc is not. As in the stuff to be grown in NC. Salad dressing--maybe.

You may also want to read what actual producers are saying about hemp oil--try Colorado where they have been growing for a few years.
ditto seed

The hype always sound s good.

Make $100,000.00 a year from one acre or ORGANIC gardens--remember that? Ads in PS PM Mother Earth all over--the new sensation.

Make $25,000/acre hemp seed--$8,000 an acre hemp oil.

Listen, of my 3,000 acres of XMAS trees 800+ acres are in Vermont where you can grow hemp no problem.

If those numbers where 1/2 true--no 1/4 true, I would cut every tree this season and plant hemp 800x 25,000= 20,000,000 a year.


At just 25% accurate that 5,000,000 a year. Harrah!

So why don't I?


Its all BS, the whole crazy mess of whacko's making incredulous predictions, and no more accurate than the con men selling systems for water into gasoline.

You think majors wouldn't have this market cornered already if there were an OUNCE of truth to those claims?--LOL!

Keep touching the stove--eventually you learn.


05/31/17 2:35 PM

#74330 RE: The Stock Warlock #74304

Something you have to read...

My old report, one year ago.
