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The Stock Warlock

06/01/17 10:51 AM

#74341 RE: Gailm #74329

Interesting, thanks for replying.

However I do find myself a bit lost within your words. Reminds me of a salesman.

This "salad dressing" you are referring to is Hemp Oil, as in just plain ol' oil produced from the seeds of the hemp plant?

CBD is no good without higher THC?

Hemp has higher amounts of CBDs and lower THC whereas Marijuana is usually the opposite, Higher THC levels and lower CBDs.

Perhaps you are confusing Hemp Seed Oil with CBD oil derived from hemp.

"HEMP OIL is fabricated from the plant called hemp. In other words, it is a hemp extract taken from the seeds of the plant".

"CBD OIL is the short form of the term cannabidiol oil. Cannabidiol is a natural component of industrial cannabis or hemp"....
"It is made from the flowers, leaves and stalks of HEMP and NOT from its SEEDS like hemp oil."

Yes CBD oil made from hemp would contain low THC, but are plenty of beneficial medicinal uses for high CBD, low/no THC oils and extracts.

In fact, doesn't North Carolina's have a medical program in place for CBD oils with little to no THC? A program primarily for children who suffer from epilepsy.

I believe there is quite a demand for pure CBD extracts with no usable THC content. Outlets for CBD oils like Charlottes Web and Bluebird Botanicals prove that.

"Our Kentucky hemp extracts contain over 80 different phyto-cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD), CBC, CBG, CBN, etc.. In addition to the cannabinoids naturally present in our agricultural hemp extracts, there are also many other types of natural molecules and phyto-chemical compounds"...
-(also explains the differences and, mostly, similarities of hemp and Marijuana derived CBDs)

I believe this was Hemp Inc sole purpose of the supercritical co2 extractor purchase to extract high quality CBDs right?
Not Hemp Seed Oil.
There was mention of high CBD strains being grown for Hemp in Colorado.
And whose gonna spend the money on co2 extraction for hemp seed oil when you can do CBD?

European Industrial Hemp Association:
"CBD has an upper market potential in Europe of € 2 billion if used as medicine for chronic diseases. Putting it on a level with over-the-counter medicine such as valerian, CBD has a minimum market penetration potential of € 24 million".

That's one hell of a salad dressing.

Perhaps I'm still missing something. Is CBDs not in the Hemp Inc plan, and/or is it not a viable option?

POTR apparently cleared $1.8M with their CBDs in one quarter.. who knows what it could be per quarter with the largest hemp processing plant in North America.

On a more agreeable note: I wouldn't suggest trading your Christmas trees for hemp plants either!!
You're just the farmer and probably have pretty standard prices.

IE: you sell trees for $100/ea.
Doesn't matter if the person is buying it for decoration, chop up and sell as firewood, harvest tree pulp, etc...

So that tree is $100 to you, no matter what. Just like, as a farmer, your hemp plants would have some basic standard value.

But depending on how the consumer uses that tree, it may be worth more to them after they've turned it - processed it- into a bench or something useful.

Just like turning your seemingly useless hemp plants into CBD. Processing=Profit.

If you wanted to make millions a year you would be better off processing hemp instead of growing? hemp.

Like turning grapes into wine.
Corn into liquor.
Tobacco into cigarettes
.. we all know RJ Reynolds is making a hell a lot more off tobacco than the farmers are.

Again, thanks for the response. Always open to perspective.

Side note('cause of post limits):
Thanks Condor65 for the information in your previous post. I haven't had the opportunity to take a hard look at it yet but I definitely will. Very much appreciated!