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05/29/17 12:22 PM

#106475 RE: bas2020 #106471

More of the same, a last century approach.

That article tells the same, failed Alzheimer's treatment story: accumulated waste proteins in neurons cause Alzheimer's symptoms, therefore, the only viable treatment approach is to find some way to extract those wastes.

In fact, Anavex has such a way. Instead of trying harsh chemicals or externally-forced immune responses, all of which have failed, Anavex fixes the problem at its source, at the beginning of the Alzheimer's disease process, not at it's end.

The researchers haven't asked or addressed the real problem: what causes the toxic accumulation of the protein wastes, the beta-amyloids or tau tangles? Instead, they focus on trying to get rid of the wastes after they've accumulated, and will continue to accumulate while the root-cause of Alzheimer's goes untreated.

The root cause is NOT waste protein accumulations. It's the progressive dysfunction of the mitochondrion-endoplasmic reticulum complex. Alzheimer's, along with virtually all of the other geriatric neurodegenerative diseases, is caused by mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria synthesize adenosine triphosphate, ATP, which is the energy-providing molecule for virtually all cellular reactions and processes. Normally, ATP is passed from the mitochondrion to the attached rough endoplasmic reticulum, a layered membrane that, with enough ATP (and other molecules and ions) allows proteins to be properly and precisely folded into fully-functioning enzymes. Some of those enzymes remove and/or degrade normal cell protein wastes, including the neurotoxic beta-amyloids and tau proteins.

In Alzheimer's, the rough endoplasmic reticula become detached from the mitochondria, so they don't receive sufficient ATP. Protein folding is compromised, and waste-clearing enzymes are poorly produced. Toxic protein wastes accumulate, disease symptoms appear.

That's the root cause of Alzheimer's, and Anavex 2-73 effectively, efficiently, and safely re-connects the two organelles, Waste-clearing enzymes are produced once again, and over time (weeks or months, it appears from early clinical results), normal neuron health is restored.

Why, then, do so few Alzheimer's researchers and institutes fail to make this so-sensible approach? Very simple. They know of none, nor have any molecules that can do this. Anavex Life Sciences Corp is the sole proprietor of this revolutionary technology. An independent Alzheimer's research scientist can't place an order for 500 mg of Anavex 2-73 from any chemical supply firm. Anavex owns and develops the molecule and its several important analogues.

The Alzheimer's treatment and prevention game is entirely in the Anavex labs and clinical trials. No one in the business can even imagine how to replicate the process. The clear-the-wastes approach will continue to be the proclamation (as in this article) until Anavex's stunning P3 results shake the Alzheimer's research world.