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05/28/17 3:04 PM

#1188 RE: Myth #1184

"Aurora will pay a consideration to holders of Class B securities of Pedanios approximately 3,421,756 common shares of Aurora, priced at $2.14 per share. In addition, a total consideration of approximately $13,565,000 in cash and common shares is payable to the holders of Class A common shares of Pedanios"

What this means is that Aurora is paying Pedanios partially with cash and partially with outstanding shares. When Aurora says "Total shares of Aurora being issued over 3 years represent less than 2% of total shares outstanding" They mean that they are ISSUING SHARES ALREADY OUTSTANDING and that number given away represents less than two percent of that.

Nowhere in the press release does it state that Aurora is adding new shares to its set of outstanding shares. That wouldnt make sense. They arent trying to raise money for the deal. The current shares already issued are worth enough to use as cash and thats what they did. The word "issued" in the press release might be confusing to you Myth but I hope that my response clarified that for you. If you would like to Email investor relations about this go right ahead. They will give the same answer to you that I did.