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Cartman 3_16

05/27/17 2:53 AM

#38006 RE: JamesE_ #38001

Cash from a loan would never be counted as pure revenue on a balance sheet. It would have to show the offsetting expense of loan payments plus interest.

Cartman 3_16

05/27/17 3:07 AM

#38008 RE: JamesE_ #38001

There was no sign of revenue on the recent 10-Q. The only mention of revenue in that filing was repeated variations of "we expect no revenue in the near term".

There is no way to reasonably extrapolate from that information that $13.5 million suddenly appeared, since April 1 (appropriately), without an 8-K filing.

Reading and understanding financial documents is much sounder DD than reading company press releases and paid-for puff pieces.

Cartman 3_16

05/27/17 4:03 AM

#38012 RE: JamesE_ #38001

"it would be advantageous to release some details a week or two before the WMA convention, in hopes of creating momentum for the stock so that they enter the convention from a position of strength, rather than a wannabe."

This gave me a good chuckle. Successful CEOs don't worry about managing the stock price. They know a well-managed company will take care of that. Even funnier, though, is the notion that if they could "create momentum for the stock" and increase the price a few cents, that we'd immediately gain some corporate gravitas.


05/27/17 10:14 AM

#38019 RE: JamesE_ #38001

I hear ya but that is exactly what I think is going on. In fact, I believe it is a rare combination of an NDA from a commercial/investing entity (for the skin in the game the Feds insist on for matching grant funds) AND a Federal Government Confidentiality Agreement from the DOE. At this point, beggers can't be choosers so IMHO CCTC has to keep its yap shut or it could endanger whatever deal and/or funding that might have been tendered.