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05/24/17 6:15 PM

#108884 RE: Navtrol53 #108883

The more people get exposed to this technology the better for Biel. We need people to get in tune with these types of treatment so the Actipatch can come in handy.

It will be easier to convince somebody who is using TENS Aleve or Icy hot to switch to Actipatch!


05/24/17 7:11 PM

#108886 RE: Navtrol53 #108883

The Aleve Direct Therapy you reference is TENS technology, been around on a OTC basis for about 20 years, only tries to block the pain signal without addressing the cause of the pain.

ActiPatch is Pulsed Shortwave Therapy which reduces pain while accelerating the healing of damaged cells, the only FDA OTC Cleared SWT device on the planet.

$50-60 for the unit and $15-20 for replacement Gel Pads.

Take a look at the long list of Warnings and Precautions on this unit,

The FDA MAUDE Adverse Event data base has 5 documented cases of electrical shock and burnt skin registered against the Aleve.

ActiPatch has zero injuries reported on MAUDE. There was one clown who filled out a MAUDE Report on ActiPatch complaining that overseas sellers were shipping the product into the USA.


05/24/17 7:36 PM

#108891 RE: Navtrol53 #108883

I use the actipatch and after watching that video I would not even consider buying that product. First of all, I get too much relief and am totally satisfied with what I am using now (actipatch), to even contemplate trying something else. Much easier also to wrap or tape the patch on body than go through all that. Simply, why would one who is getting tremendous success from the actipatch want to switch. Now if you say that all who use this Aleve product should try the Actipatch when found on store shelves, you have something.

Get ready, something that works this well is going to find its place on the same shelf as tens and eventually taking away vital shelf space from them. It has to, because it works too well not to. Just needs time and exposure. The consumer will decide.