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Elmer Phud

05/23/17 2:56 PM

#148704 RE: Andy Grave #148701


the Ryzen 8 core die is about 200mm^2......... for that there is NO doubt...............the doubt is the claim (in that piece) of 80% yields...

At 200mm2 no one, including Intel is going to get 80% yield on all 8 cores much less upwards of 80% as the article claimed. Today's yields just aren't what they used to be due to lithography limitations and double and triple patterning and it wouldn't have been possible to hit those numbers 10-15 years ago on a consistent basis. They may be referring to line yield which is sometimes quoted but that's just the number of wafers that make it through the fab without getting broken or otherwise become unusable prior to sort. I remember years ago AMD quoted their yield as 95% in response to an analyst's inquiry and the fans went wild. It was obviously line yield the AMD spokesperson was referring to. Even Intel's legendary yields aren't what they used to be.