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05/22/17 3:58 PM

#356511 RE: ONEBGG #356502

Me too, Gary.

America has problems. Crime, racial animosity, enclaves of the poor, etc. But the biggest thing America has going for it is there is no place better. I haven't seen all of the World, but I've seen a lot of it. Twice around the Globe.

Some look at Scandinavia as better. I'll give a small example of thinking in Norway that is vastly different than the way America is. I may have told this story earlier.

Norway has a species of bear that is from the grizzly family, only much smaller. They only weigh about 300 pounds. When I lived there it was estimated that fewer than 400 were left.

Around 1980 a hiker was killed by one. Norwegians were horrified There was a movement to exterminate all but a few of them and put the survivors in zoos.

My wife's grandparents were from Norway. We met some of her family. One of her cousins was a Exterminate the Bears petition circulator. My wife was from Red Lodge, MT and couldn't conceive of wiping out grizzlies.

This was all before Muslim immigration changed the cultural environment of Scandinavia. But back then life was very, very bland. Risk taking, other than stuff like climbing rocks, was rare. Because of Socialist labor laws, entrepanuer (sp) was nearly non existent.

About crime. In my 80 years I've had my car broken into, once , in the USA. In mv 3 years of travelling Europe I had my car broken into twice in Hamburg, once in Copenhagen and had my motorcycle helmets stolen in Amsterdam. My son was robbed at knife point in Madrid.

There is no place like my home!