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05/18/17 2:31 PM

#24434 RE: HokieHead #24291

this looks amazing. so non party Cisco gets involved because it has some patents that it thinks it can bowl over ChanBond and be the recipient of any settlement with the 13 Cable companies involved. Clearly Cisco thinks this something is going to settle.

Cisco loses based on what the board says. Leaving the door open for ChanBond to settle its original claims.

Man, this really could be a big one.

Ultimate Warrior

05/18/17 3:20 PM

#24464 RE: HokieHead #24291

What has changed to make this pop today? That stuff is from April 3rd.


05/19/17 1:06 AM

#24606 RE: HokieHead #24291

I see Robert Howe the 3rd has finally become a true CEO.

About time.

I will be checking in more often now.

This stock has been dull ever since their First Technology Officer died in that Plane Crash.

Company went by another name then!

It was a Data systems storage company back then going places before the tragic accident.

Brilliant dude too!

$$$$ UOIP $$$$


05/19/17 3:11 PM

#25191 RE: HokieHead #24291

here come the .004s