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05/08/17 3:15 PM

#14240 RE: BlueSkyMining #14239

Well, if I would be in the jury I would say this. On computers, they're probably pretty close. This is based on me firing up an old laptop and the streams look pretty ok to me on that one. I've seen worse on the internet. I've also seen better, but this is on an old computer and that matters, as Clipstream needs more resources. The latest version is with GPU offloading and it has clearly helped improve the quality.

On tablets and especially mobile the quality scales back automatically to the lowest one as a default as there is a huge variety in these devices and they can't always detect what resources (CPU, GPU, memory) are available.

Now, Steve said during the last CC that they are working on a solution which internally showed a big improvement, and that it would be out hopefully somewhere in June.

Now, since I'm not Steve (LOL), I have no access to their internal solutions so we'll have to wait and see.

For me it's simply a binary situation. It will either work, or it won't. If it does, you likely to get a multiple of your investments at these levels. If it doesn't, you'll loose, but I'm not sure you loose all that much, given PlayMPE's inherent profitability and the opportunity they have for generic video hosting.

As a result of that, it matters less to me exactly when we get something of a verdict, although needless to say the sooner the better. But this stuff is hard work and they are a small outfit.

Now, I understand that there are people in this at much higher levels and they had to wait a very long time already, which is taxing to their patience and has reversed any goodwill they might have had for the company. But these are sunk cost. They might be difficult to accept, but that's what they are.

I also understand those that argue that they should not even be trying and should simply have focused on PlayMPE. However, I will say this to them. Look at the demo's on your computer and tell me they aren't close.