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04/29/17 3:57 PM

#1861 RE: afterhoursearnings #1860

All good points. Its clear the price point of the raise will not catapult the stock since any large investor throwing money at this will be negotiating the best price and have the leverage - I expect it to be around current levels. Right now, its all about the strategic investor and funding the dollar amount in a range that will allow the company to continue on it's next set of events. Alternatively or in addition, any partnership + biz dev deal will secure value and effect the capitalization. NMUS is working all of that now. The company has a history of tight-lipped-ness and no comms from them for the last month proves they are heads down working on these options. The next news announced by NMUS will be next level news and give better visibility to our long term hold and in turn a window into how us longs will increase the value of our holdings. Very exciting. It's time.