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The Penny Preacher

04/27/17 9:10 AM

#17122 RE: Pip611 #17117

I have not lost ONE PERCENT of the money I have invested since I have zero intention and zero need of selling any of my shares of VLDI. I have nearly doubled my holding from my total of four years ago and when VLDI DOES WHAT I KNOW IT IS GOING TO DO, AND DOES WHAT I EXPECTED IT TO DO WHEN I BOUGHT IT, it will make any other investment I could POSSIBLY have made look like a passbook savings account by comparison. Since I was not foolish enough to buy VLDI expecting it to go straight up I have not been foolish enough to watch the daily price complaining every day that it did not go straight up. I bought VLDI for one reason, the BUYOUT. And anything that happens between now and then is unimportant as long as it does not derail the chance of the buyout. And if the price drops, it is not a disaster, it is a BUYING OPPORTUNITY, IMO.

Of course, if someone does not believe that about VLDI, the logical question that must be asked is, why in the world would they have one cent on the stock, or own one single share?

The really hilarious part of this discussion is that a REAL investor NEVER invests in a stock he does not trust, and NEVER stays in a stock that does not do what he expected it to do when he bought it. And IMHO, a REAL investor would never think of wasting one second of his precious valuable limited time on this planet following the daily progress or digress of a stock he felt was going to fail.

I don't know about you, but I believe life is a gift, and a wasted life is one of the worst investments one can make.

People have asked me how it is that most of the things I try to do, I do well. My response is always the same, I try my best to only do things that are my strenghts, and whenever life requires that I operate in one of my areas of weakness, I get back to my strength as quickly as I can.

I do the same with stocks. That is why I am still in this game after over 15 years investing in nothing but penny stocks. I stay in the stocks I BELIEVE in, and whenever I find myself invested in a stock that I no longer believe in, I take my losses, and move on to another stock I believe in as quickly as I can. I have taken some heavy losses over the years, as I learned how to play this game, but the wins have balanced it out and left me ahead of the game. And VLDI is going to put me on the top.