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04/28/17 10:59 AM

#2721 RE: janeyH #2720

back in the .18 trading range and up in the .20's and .30's, we used to have a regular tape painter at eod. Alas, we now have such a stronger stock, we no longer wait for him nor need him? (chillar?-lol)-----------------------------At least i always speculated it was chillar with a 100 shares here or 100 shares there. At the cost of trades, i figured it just HAD to be someone like me who has virtually married the stock. But with this trading range, it is a new style. I cannot recall; such regular shadow accumulation going back. I'm betting they are professional trader's, not retail. No hurry. Supremely patient. And thus far, regular. The seller(s) on the other hand, i don't quite get. Seems like an illogical time to unload. That is why i once suggested it was the ex-cfo-mgmt guy who still owned shares as he exited. But i don't know this. Why anyone else would sell at THIS time, i cannot fathom. This is as good a buy and hold as it gets...with turnaround confirmed...and a completely new way earnings will be guided and judged to assure more regularity.