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04/25/17 2:58 PM

#52223 RE: janice shell #52222

Nice find Janice

Starting to smell like a scam
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04/25/17 3:12 PM

#52230 RE: janice shell #52222

So you just admitted he bought a dirty shell...and now is cleaned up cause they cannot convert. You even admitted that yourself. You just presume and hope one day they will but cannt due to the 144 rule. Why must you continually hammer away at something that has been talked over and over and over and over about with the new ceo refuting all your presumptions?
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04/25/17 3:34 PM

#52245 RE: janice shell #52222

So from this post its understood that.... The old management moved on, and sold to the new management... Who has new plans.... Weeeeed!!!

...and.... The shares issued to TJ, by old management, are locked and can't be cleared (DTC)... By anyone... Making the float much smaller than it is!!!

Exactly as we've been saying to others! Thanks!
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04/25/17 7:23 PM

#52342 RE: janice shell #52222

Want to talk about History. I can do that.
Regarding This Company, CURRENT DD says, this is New Management (Stervc already did a great post on that) New is IN,
this is CLEAN.

Stervc great DD: Read this:

BLDV should be researched based on the merits of what they are doing now. Things have greatly changed for the better. This is not the same BLDV as it was from the days of old. Not to knock the past management, but there is a difference in the management now and what is being completed versus the days of old and the past failures.

BLDV & its Colorado SOS Good Standing Confirmation

current DD and you'll see.
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04/26/17 11:37 AM

#52667 RE: janice shell #52222

Janice shell, more corrections for you…

Sorry Janice, there is no smoking gun. All of what you are bringing up is very redundant. With that FRTD situation regarding Tom Parilla, and Mike Osborn… they have ”absolutely” nothing to do with what’s going on with BLDV. Heck, they were the reasons why I sold FRTD back then as it was consistently confirmed per their Transfer Agent (TA) that a substantial amount of shares were regularly being sold into the market so I made the decision to sell and not take the risk anymore with it when I learned of the dilution with FRTD.

FRTD had ran from the .000s to .078+ per share in a short amount of time. Ken sold and moved on after Tom had elected to go with some kind of Bank Card project that Mike Osborne had brought to the table. Ken wanted to mature some of his medical marijuana products and ideas by having them placed into FRTD, but Tom elected to go in another direction with Mike Osborne so Ken resigned from his IR position over there and moved on. Go ahead and do the digging that you do. You will see that what I have stated above is all the truth and that Ken has nothing to do with how FRTD ended.

As for the recent CEO, Josh Alper was initially brought on board as the Chief Technology Officer for BLDV, but then Cleve Tsai stepped down because Josh had more to offer to grow BLDV because of the lack of experience from Cleve in the Cannabis/Marijuana Industry. Ken took control of the company from John Quincy Moaning. Ken was the one who paid to get BLDV current. The Control was passed over to Cleve Tsai and then over to Josh Alper to where we are at today.

All I did was introduce Ken to Quincy then I simply stepped away and allowed them to figure out what was needed to be paid and done administratively to get BLDV current. I never brokered any deal with anyone as you have stated. I was nothing more than a shareholder back then and I am nothing more than a shareholder now. I was never paid any cash or shares for anything.

Again, you are incorrect in calling BLDV a dirty shell. First, it’s not a shell and then it is not dirty. Reference this post again FYI:

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04/26/17 11:58 AM

#52682 RE: janice shell #52222

Janice could you stickie today's news?
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05/14/17 4:40 AM

#59460 RE: janice shell #52222

Another huge problem here is the simple fact that this is an alternative reporting company. This company hasn't reported to the SEC since 2002. That is outrageous. How can investors trust a company that hasn't filed with the SEC in 14 years? Blows my mind.
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05/24/17 12:39 PM

#61889 RE: janice shell #52222

#BLDV: What do we have here?
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Crazy Money

05/30/17 4:08 PM

#63323 RE: janice shell #52222

BLDV weeeeeeeee
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06/04/17 9:33 PM

#64047 RE: janice shell #52222

BLDV . Great shell company. Legit . AMS connection . Israel connection .