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04/25/17 7:14 AM

#87456 RE: mariosmack #87444

Let's say someone does not believe in a particular company - the company might have poor management, heavy dilution, sketchy financials...but the company is highly volatile with an unparalleled volume, motivated by mob mentality and hype alone and this someone decides to short said stock - would it not make more sense for this person to actively promote the hysteria? Seeing as the hype pps is only temporary and not reflective of real company value, would pretending to believe in the stock not make the most sense to gain the most before the inevitable fade? Once the sensationalized event has passed then the shorter can turn on the stock as though he was "deceived" by the news and now denounce the company in hopes of the pps dropping so he can cover. My question is why would a shorter denounce a stock before the hype rather than after?

There are two reasons I can see for thrashing a company consistently...for long periods of time but especially in their most perceived volatile state...such as before news/hype and that is to drive the price down to buy or because you are stuck in a deep, short hole.

I think those that retain negative positions on companies that are uptrending must be one or the other. But when timing consists of jabs before the hype, not after, I tend to believe that it is a double agent long actually hoping for price reduction to buy the news. In fact, it makes perfect sense to take a stance against a company prior to news when news has shown time and time again to make said company rise.

Anyway, not saying you are secretly in love with owcp and everything you say is just so you can buy at a lower price....well, actually I guess that is what I'm saying. You a sly dog but if even if it's in a sort of weird diabolical way, you still jus trying to get into owcp before it hits the moon like the rest of us ; )

Go owcp!!!
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04/25/17 7:42 AM

#87467 RE: mariosmack #87444

LOL, c'mon dude...

that flippant response means you've personally never been in this situation, attended a conference and been a part of a negotiation...

I have been to many conferences both as an attendee and an exhibitor (in health care and at the mortgage bank/investor levels) both cases, business is never transacted on the conference room floor... ever... before you've even left your place of business...states or countries away... your private meetings/agenda have been well established - triple confirmed - your personal presentation honed to perfection, and your terms hammered out to the penny.

Good luck!

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04/25/17 11:31 AM

#87555 RE: mariosmack #87444

LOL... during the coffee break, I tell someone to say that to some of 475 international investors who wants to have 30 minutes one-one-one PRIVATE meeting with OWCP leadership! Would make them laugh, I am sure! LOL

the fact that OWCP is one of the best companies presenting holds no value...

25 minutes is the presentation time!...those 30 minute PRIVATE meetings are the meat of the conference. That is where deals are made not during the presentation! Oh, boy!

OWCP only gets 25 minutes of face time. That is nothing.