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04/24/17 3:40 PM

#27825 RE: rudiger #27824

Just like the "Banks" were too big to fail..
It has yet to be seen if Saleen is in the same boat.

There are so many facts that lead to Saleen being a comeback story and a legacy.

**** There was no reason for Steve Saleen to travel down this path!!!! *** So why? Why take legal action to regain the Saleen brand, why buy back the auction, why get up everyday to rebuild the Saleen name? Why license Saleen IP to China? Why... why.. ********

There has got to be a bigger picture here. As for the timeline == unknown...

Sure started at a much higher pps -- before the Saleen S302 730HP or the Saleen S7LM.. So there is lots of progress.. enough to make shareholders happy.. looks questionable?

however against all odds, Steve keeps fighting... - IMO