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04/24/17 7:28 AM

#268437 RE: rooster #268435

Meet the SC Woman Running the Craziest, Most Racist, Homophobic Political Campaign Ever

Sheri Few for Congress
A South Carolina woman vying for an open seat in the House of Representatives has reignited the debate over the Confederate flag, blasts acceptance of gays and doubles down on “Make America great again” in a series of ads that might be the most racist, homophobic and craziest campaign ever.
Sheri Few is one of seven Republican candidates running in the special election for South Carolina’s 5th Congressional District—a congressional seat vacated when Rep. Nick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) stepped down to join the Trump administration as director of the Office of Management and Budget.
In campaign ads and public appearances, Few has trumpeted her pro-Trump agenda, saying that she “will not only make America great again, but she will make America America again.”
I really don’t know what that means, because I’m black and the high-pitched racist dog-whistle politics are not meant for my ears, but I know it’s shady by the way the Caucasians in the crowd clap and nod their heads when she says it.
Few came out of the gate shooting at everybody. No, really—she literally opens her first campaign ad holding an AR-15 (the preferred weapon of school shooters and white separatists). After introducing herself, in her next ad, she just goes on an extended rant about liberal ideas, small government, Common Core, family values and all the other crazy things the people whose necks are the same color as Trump’s jowls believe are plaguing this country.
She peppers the video with the subliminal images of the terrible, terrible things that make wypipo want to throw up in their mouths: Barack Obama bowing to a Muslim leader; an Islamic State group beheading; a bulldozer removing a statue of Robert E. Lee; and a picture of a gay soldier. (How do we know the soldier is gay? The soldier has a rainbow patch on her uniform because, apparently, in Sheri Few’s America, homosexuality is a sin, but you can get a military medal for it.)

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Public Gives Trump Low Marks for First 100 Days: NBC News/WSJ Poll
Apr 23 2017
Nearly two-thirds of Americans give President Donald Trump poor or middling marks for his first 100 days in office, including a plurality who say he's off to a "poor start," according to results from a brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Forty-five percent of respondents in the survey believe Trump is off to a poor start, with an additional 19 percent who say it's been "only a fair start." That's compared with a combined 35 percent who think the president's first three months in office have been either "good" or "great."
Trump's 100th day in office takes place on April 29.
By contrast, in the exact same question from April 2009 NBC/WSJ poll, 54 percent of Americans said that Barack Obama's first 100 days had gotten off to either a good or great start, while 25 percent said they were fair, and 21 percent called them poor.
Trump's overall job-approval rating stands at 40 percent — down four points from February. It's the lowest job-approval rating for a new president at this 100-day stage in the history of the NBC/WSJ poll.

At this same point in time of their presidencies, Obama's overall rating stood at 61 percent in the poll, George W. Bush's was at 56 percent and Bill Clinton's was at 52 percent.
By party, 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump's job, versus just 7 percent of Democrats and 30 percent of independents who give the president a thumbs-up.

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Trump unloads after poor polls

President Donald Trump has lambasted opinion polls showing him with a low approval rating, calling the media outlets who are publishing them "fake."
April 24, 2017 [with embedded video]