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04/22/17 5:02 PM

#476632 RE: AZCowboy #476629

Im glad I did not listen to the board and kept my commons just added preferreds. You make a lot of sense AZ. People need to learn how to read between the lines not just the huge $ sign in front of them.


04/22/17 5:24 PM

#476633 RE: AZCowboy #476629

Commons better not cry IF CASH doesn't flow past Class-19 Preferreds as they must be made whole being paid FACE +interest BEFORE any $$$ reaches Class-22 commons for any distributions adhering to APR protocol... "just sayin"***

(***UNLESS there is any truth to the stipulation requiring EQUAL TREATMENT of all members of the same distribution Tranche)


04/22/17 6:36 PM

#476642 RE: AZCowboy #476629

"the 75% / 25% distribution ... is not GLOBAL to the entire process' ... it is document stated to be limited to any possible WMI-LT leftovers, to be potentially - RE-Distributed - ... the individual allowances for APR's removal were specified, ... Rule 1129(b)

... wishful thinking' ... does not change the documented process, as it is now about to move forward ... "

Maybe the whole 75/25 % distribution issue was PURPOSEFULLY "MIS-COMMUNICATED" that way to mislead the Common-Holders to get scared and dump their Stock and Buy the Preferreds while the Hedge Fund SCUM were using this confusion they sowed to SELL their Preferreds (to HIDE their Insider Trading Evidence) and Pretty MUch STEAL ALL Those Common Shares that were being dumped.. I Remember VERY WELL Those Days... I had TONS & TONS of WAMUQs and EVERYDAY the PAID-SHILLS of the Hedgies (Gibson, comes to mind) Would Incessantly POST their ADVICE here for Common Shareholders to DUMP them and BUY Preferreds, H shares, DIMEQs etc. I did sell/switch half my Commons fir Ps & Ks but held onto the rest of my WAMUQs...

Anyways, whether it goes whole 75/25% Distribution or the Preferreds get FULL FV + Interest and the rest flows to Commons, I'll get 40 to 50x of what i invested... I am ONLY Apprehensive that the Hedgies are plotting something else to STEAL BOTH from Us Prefferreds as well as Common WAMUQ Shareholders...I think if something is not known by JUne 1st/Shareholder Meeting, it is time for ALL of us Equity HOlders to UNITE & BAND Together and DEmand some FUC**ING ANSWERS From WillY JAM & the FU***ING BOD... & FDIC


04/22/17 9:39 PM

#476662 RE: AZCowboy #476629

"The removal of the Absolute Priority Rule (APR) was NOT GLOBAL' and in my own opinion ? ... was ? and has been purposely mis-represented' ..."

Which Law Firm had desired to go out of business due to this 'purposely mis-representation'???


04/22/17 11:56 PM

#476666 RE: AZCowboy #476629

Quote..."Four, ... and the most unpopular, misunderstood and severely misrepresented, ... yet quite documented ... was the eventual allowance of any original WMI-LT left overs, ... to be RE-Distributed ... simultaneously 75% / 25% to the class 19's and the class 22's ... in the same fashion as the DCR's release of 1.4 million shares of WMIH-Corp back in August of 2015' ... (obviously without the LT ever finding a need for issuing an - Interests - in the LT, or an LTI's)"

The fact remains that we are all considered Equity under the Preferred Equity Interests and Common Equity Interests. This is how both are referred to in the GSA/POR...FACT!!!

The overwhelming use of Re-Distributed in every document was in the context of the LTI's being passed to Tranche 6 after Piers are satisfied.

This has everything to do with the distribution of the remnants of the former WMI and WMIIC, it's WHOLLY owned sub's, Estates.

This is the only allowed mechanism that was put in place for disposing of estate assets and has nothing to do with the distribution of the disputed equity shares.

POR 58

23.1...(last paragraph)(b) in the event that all Allowed Claims and Post petition Interest Claims in respect of Allowed Claims are paid in full (including with respect to Allowed Subordinated Claims), any Liquidating Trust Interests to be redistributed;

Just one example of how the language was actually meant to be applied.