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04/22/17 5:09 PM

#5410 RE: hap0206 #5403

I doubt there is any settled science about going to moon, or the far distant planets, but as a nation we set a goal and did just that. At the time we did not know how beneficial it would be for all of mankind.

Maybe if we never even challenged ourselves as a nation of forward thinkers we could still be just sitting in our backyards wondering if the moon is made out of Swiss cheese.

If man ever waiting long enough to have every answer to every question that must be answered before a Conservative would finally acknowledge it. Maybe that is why I will side on science as a good leading indicator of things to come.

Besides if we did not use science as a tool for pushing man into solving the great issues of the day, what should we use. Maybe we should be like some hardcore Conservatives and just use the Bible to settle all of man's unique problems.

I know that will probably anger some in this forum, but even when it comes to the Bible there is no settled understanding of what it means. I have even heard there are different versions of the sacred word all around the world. I also heard that in America we live by the law that we all have Freedom to Worship in any religion of one's own choosing. But now we have a President and a Republican party that wants to ban certain religions because they are not an accepted religion.

Maybe this is like your science, what is settled, and what is accepted, gee what is next, which people are allowed in America.

When it comes to that issue America is made up of the entire world, but now we have Republicans and Conservatives who even want to control that issue. Maybe you can use some forward thinking and see where this is going.

Maybe as a good Conservative Republican we can just hide under our covers and not deal with anything that is not a settled science.