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Ramp Worm

04/21/17 2:43 PM

#46694 RE: ken_r #46693

The real key, for me at least, was that I didn't trust them three years ago. That should have mattered. Unfortunately, I relied on posters who went to Mass. and said what a wonderful product we had.
I never really invested in the company, I invested in the technology.

Yep I think you are not alone here Ken. Honest people have a hard time understanding how crooks think.


04/21/17 4:09 PM

#46695 RE: ken_r #46693

Now that there is no business, the value of the assets and liabilities remaining after bankruptcy is all that matters now. So, that calls for a spreadsheet.

Actually, a spreadsheet WOULD have helped 3 years ago, by creating one that showed the debt, interest, and cash burn, which admittedly would be more complex that the current bankruptcy spreadsheet.

As far investing in a "wonderful product", that is really only one of MANY important criteria for investing. I can't say this loud enough, INVESTING IN A COMPANY MAINLY BECAUSE YOU THINK IT HAS A "GREAT PRODUCT" IS NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE IT A SMART INVESTMENT!!!!

Even though it should, I am willing to be that even now, many pink sheet shareholders do not realize this, even here, despite this bankruptcy after having supposedly great products!

You CAN'T invest in a technology, you buy stock in a COMPANY, not a technology!

Ramp Worm

04/22/17 8:39 PM

#46699 RE: ken_r #46693

The real key, for me at least, was that I didn't trust them three years ago. That should have mattered.

Well you have answered your question very clearly. . It was the fact that 'IMSC' had the only TSA certified mini-spectrometer.

In hindsight the clues were there. When Glenn was sent packing, that was the first clue. I am not sure what really transpired of course but the story was that Glenn B. was physically removed/tossed out and then paid off with a confidentially contract. Glenn got his money AND use of that NYC Apt. That just smelled like there was something wrong. He was paid to SHUT UP. Seems Glenn was looking out for just Glenn. NYC Values and all..